Thursday, February 17, 2011

Living Comfortably with D&D

A lot of people advertise themselves to be the best possible service providers for Bradenton Air Conditioning, Sarasota Air Conditioning, Port Charlotte Air Conditioning and more, but more than half of them are totally useless. I’ve had so many people try coming over to my place and im sick and tired with all of them. Now I have 5 AC’s in my house; one for each of the main rooms. Now the other day the air conditioning guys came over to service my Air conditioners and since two of mine were really old I thought of asking them about the latest models of AC’s that had bacteria filters. And imagine my surprise, when the AC guys actually said tha have no idea and they would send their marketing teams.
Seems every Bradenton Air Conditioning, Sarasota Air Conditioning& Port Charlotte Air Conditioning have their own teams for sales and separate ones for service. The only problem is that, apparently, none of these teams have cross-platform knowledge. This is what I gathered when I spoke to the technical team. I mean if they knew all about the latest models, they could have made a sale for atleast two air conditioners and I might have considered replacing the rest of the ones in my house as well. the lack of knowledge of the tech support team lost the company a good amount and a customer who dutifully gets his Air conditioners serviced every year! 

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